About WiFi Map DAO Governance

Goal of the DAO:

WiFi Map community operates under a decentralized governance framework called WiFi Map DAO, where community members participate in decision-making processes regarding the distribution of the DAO Fund. This fund aims to enhance the quality and global reach of the WiFi Map application.
Members of DAO:

Participating in idea submission, commentary, and discussion is publicly open. However, voting is restricted only to WiFi Map DAO members. Holding at least one WIFI is the only requirement for membership in the DAO. Anyone can be a WIFI holder and all are welcome to come join us in shaping the future of DePIN.
Funding of DAO:

The funds for WiFi Map DAO are currently sourced from the WiFi Map company’s buyback initiatives. As the DAO community expands and gains significance over time, additional funding mechanisms may be incorporated to further support its operations.
  • Focus on Impact:
    We prioritize actions that lead to tangible outcomes and measurable impact, striving to deliver value to our community and WiFi Map application.
  • Innovation:
    We embrace innovation and leverage cutting-edge technologies to enhance our operational efficiency and drive continuous improvement.
  • Accountability:
    We hold ourselves accountable to our community by providing clear and accessible information about our decisions and operations.
WiFi Map DAO Tool

Share your opinions and shape the future of the WiFi Map

The main hub for Governance discussions. Share proposals, provide feedback, and shape the future of WiFi Map. Make your voice heard and engage with the WiFi Map community.
The official governance voting portal. Formed proposals become available for voting on Snapshot. $WIFI holders must go through a wallet authentication process to vote.